I want to see my wedding pictures! Yes, I do! But, I have to wait patiently for our photographer to work his magic on them...so, patiently I wait...
As I am waiting, I find out that B has won a cruise. Yes, my lovely wife won an
Olivia cruise THAT WE CANNOT TAKE! The cruise leaves in 3 weeks, ummmm, really short notice. The notification of B's winning came 2 weeks after we booked our honeymoon, TWO WEEKS. Why couldn't they have told us sooner, just a couple weeks sooner, and then we would be going on an Olivia Cruise honeymoon, FOR FREE*! UHHHH, I am upset, and waiting for my wedding pictures gets harder and harder the more upset I get. I can't believe we have to say no to a free* cruise.
On another sour note, tomorrow is election day and I am nervous. Tomorrow holds the potential to knock me two blows; I may lose my job and I may lose my marriage.** I have high hopes that Obama will win...if that doesn't happen, well then, three potential blows for me. It would not be a good day.
It always makes me smile to see a noodle strategically placed on my nephew's head.

Journal of a patient (NOT) blogger
*Free, as everyone knows, does not mean free. It means $477/pp plus airfare. It actually makes me feel better that it would have cost us money.
**I will definitely lose my job if my boss is not re-elected, but I probably won't lose my marriage if Prop 8 passes. I said that mostly for affect. My educated guess is that my marriage will stand, even if other same-sex couples will no longer be able to enter into civil marriage as we were. Which, of course, blows.