I have to say I did not prepare for Tina's Cowboy Hat Day - luckily I have some pics from last year in which I tried to channel Louise (Thelma asked to be edited out). Enjoy!
How It Feels To Be Free
5 hours ago
Living, Loving and Laughing as wife and wife
Same sex marriage certificates, certificates of civil union or certificates of domestic partnership, whether foreign or domestic, are not acceptable evidence for recognizing an immediate name change for use in a U.S. passport.
Donald Henneberger, formerly Donald Smith, recently received a letter from the National Passport Center in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, denying his request for a name change on his passport. The center said it would not recognize a marriage license for a same-sex couple as proof of a name change. . .
There are two ways same-sex couples can get the name on their passports changed. They can submit documentation of a “court ordered name change,”. Or, they can establish “customary usage.”
Customary usage must be supported by documents showing the name has been used for a five-year period. In five years, a same-sex marriage license could be used as one of those documents.
"We are unable to comply with your request for a name change based on the documentation you sent because of the Defense of Marriage Act ...," the letter states.
"If two people of the same sex identify as husband and husband or wife and wife, the census will retain that answer, but when results are released those people will be counted as unmarried partners."Hmmm, looks as if I will be checking the married box. If we will still be counted as unmarried partners and we are both of the same sex (so that we can be counted in other studies) I see no reason not to respond as married. Suck it, census.